When professionals join a Rotary Club, they do so as a representative of their vocational classification – their particular business or profession. Rotarians have the dual responsibility of representing their vocation within the Club and exemplifying the ideals of Rotary within the workplace.
Vocational Service calls every Rotarian to:
- Aspire to high ethical standards in their occupation
- Recognise the worthiness of all useful occupations
- Contribute their vocational talents to the problems and needs of society.
One of the central goals of Vocational Service is to promote and advance Rotary’s high ethical standards. Two useful tools Rotarians have to assess these standards are The Four-Way Test and the Declaration of Rotarians in Business and Professions
Every October, Rotarians are encouraged to focus their attention on vocational service. Vocational Service Month is an opportunity to begin year-long vocational service activities, ranging from Rotary discussions to awards to community projects.

The Magic of Rotary is the impact our volunteered skills, hours, and community can bring to make change in the world. President of Rotary International Stephanie Urchick defined this theme for 2024-25 working on a project to install water filters in a remote community - when they tested the system and local children saw clear water available to them for the first time, they asked her to "make the magic happen again".
Rotary International, the world's first service club organisation, is made up of over 33,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas. Its members form a global network of business and professional leaders who volunteer their time and talents to serve their communities and the world.
Rotary's motto, Service Above Self, exemplifies the humanitarian spirit of the organisation's members.